This is the story about Kathy’s travels around Australia from the Sydney basin in New South Wales, across to the south west coast of Western Australia and the Kimberly region in the north and how it has sparked her creativity in structure and form. Inspired by the diversity of colour that mother nature affords us through the natural geological features of our local areas such as cliffs and coastal escarpments.
Kathy lives in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney and for the past five years has been working with clay and creating ceramic decorative ware. Her passion started when she discovered the versatility and organic nature of clay and how the beauty of slippery clay sliding across your fingers on the potter’s wheel can form into beautiful shapes. Then the joy of working with colour was realised when making and developing glazes and the colouring of her pots.
The coastal zone is a wonderfully dynamic place and one that can provide so many different and rapidly changing textures, colours and hues in response to natural and seasonal processes such as waves, winds, currents, tides and storms.
Most of Australia’s population live close to the coastline and the beach has long occupied a special place in the Australian identity. Hence this has inspired Kathy to create a ceramic exhibition that embraces these wonderful creations of nature, bringing these visual and textural finishes into reality in what she hopes is a sympathetic and realistic representation of the coastal landforms.
Kathy has always loved working with colour and what better motivation than the coastlines of Australia where they range from neutral tones through bold iron oxides to soft pink hues.
This is her first solo exhibition and she chose to develop the initial structure of the pieces on the potter’s wheel, then reshaping and creating textures using natural items such as rocks and shells, and colours using slips from clays and oxides.
All the pieces are unique and work very well individually or as a collection of works.
Contemporary ceramic art is making a revival in the art world, and it is now revered in the most private art collections.
- Carpark
Southern Highlands Artisans Collective (SHAC), Hoddle Street, Robertson NSW, Australia
P. 0410530210
Southern Highlands Artisans Collective (SHAC), Hoddle Street, Robertson NSW, Australia
P. 0410530210