Our end of season event is to celebrate the season was and a fun run with our dogs it’s also the last chance for everyone to come together 1 more time before we take time out over the summer months.
With this sport we need nice cold temps & low humidity for our events to go ahead, the dogs are our pets first, we don’t risk running them when the weather isn’t suitable, our season starts in May and winds down in August.
We have many different breeds of dogs enter our events, most people would think this sport was only open to Siberian huskies and Malamutes but the truth is any medium to large size breeds can do well at this particular dog sport, we have GSP’S, staffies, poodles, Samoyeds, pointers, border collies, Labradors just to name a few.
We have classes to suit everyone, we have Open classes 1 & 2 dog teams, these teams use a scooter, 3, 4 & 6 dogs teams who use a 3 wheeled rig, we have bikejoring where a mountain bike is used, and canicross for the super fit people, the musher wears a custom made belt and they run with their dogs, we have a junior class for kids 8 to 15 years of age and we have pee wee class for kids under 8, we have a veteran class for dogs over 8 years of age, touring class for non-competitive dogs and novice class for new people to the sport.
Spectators are welcome at our events, we ask that dogs not competing are kept away from the start and finish chutes and remain on a lead at all times.
Please make sure you are aware of covid updates and restrictions, if you do have cold or flu like symptoms we ask that you don’t come to our events we want to keep everyone safe.
Belanglo State Forest, Belanglo NSW, Australia
P. 0427586549