Bowral Memorial Baptist Church

13 Merrigang Street, Bowral


13 Merrigang Street, Bowral

P. 02 4861 5510


Each Sunday we meet as worshippers of God who are trusting in his son by the power of the Holy Spirit and desire to grow and persevere in the faith. Whether you are a visiting believer, looking for a Church family to belong to or seeking to find out more about how to know God and live His way, we welcome you!

In our meetings we seek to praise and proclaim God’s greatness and grace in Christ in our readings, our prayers, our singing and the preaching of the Bible. Typically, we preach and teach through books of the Bible believing God speaks through His given word what we need to hear, believe, and obey for His glory and our salvation.

Gathering as a whole community of all ages and backgrounds is a priority for us so that together according to God’s design, we might build one another up in the Gospel to reach out with the Gospel.

During school terms our targeted Children’s program (CFK) operates for both preschool and primary aged children. Throughout the year we have specific ministry and mission segments which seek to highlight the various local and global ministries we serve in or support prayerfully and financially.

As COVID restrictions continue to ease, we hope to soon resume our Morning Tea following our service each Sunday. This is an important time for us to continue to gather to encourage and support one another. Throughout the year we also seek have Church Picnics and Luncheons to further connections, encouragement and also to hear more of God’s work in various ministries we are involved with.

For further information please contact, Pastor Iain Wight (Interim Pastor) Ph: 02 4861 5510