Daley’s Clearing – Belanglo State Forest

Belanglo Rd, Berrima


Belanglo Rd, Berrima

P. 1300 655 687

Belanglo State Forest will be closed to recreational vehicles (4WDs) and trail bikes until further notice (updated as of 8 Sep 2022)

This site is a good level camp spot surrounded by exotic pines and a great place for a picnic year round.

Just five kilometres west of the Hume Highway, an old cottage once stood in Daley’s Clearing. The site is a good level camp spot surrounded by exotic pines and a great place for a picnic year round. From the Hume Highway, turn west into Belanglo Road and follow the signs to Daley’s Clearing, approx 4kms. .

Belanglo State Forest is closed, access via Belango road and Daley’s Road only.

Campfires permitted subject fire ban status. Dogs allowed on lead.




  • BBQ Facilities
  • Camping
  • Toilet Facilities