Valour Church

Moss Vale Senior Citizens & Community Centre, 14 Queen Street, Moss Vale


Moss Vale Senior Citizens & Community Centre, 14 Queen Street, Moss Vale

P. 0455 835 000



We are a non-denominational Christian Church in Moss Vale, NSW.

Church done differently. Come as you are, and experience God for yourself and a welcoming community to call home. 

We believe that reaching up to God through prayer, worship and reading his Word is the centrepiece to experiencing an authentic and personal relationship with Him. As a church we encourage one another to know Jesus more and more every day.

Our Church is full of very different people who all genuinely love one another. Why? Because of Jesus. Our Church feels like a family, where you can come as you are and expect to experience the love of Jesus through His people.

Knowing Jesus is too good not to share. We want to empower each other to share our stories and faith in our own workplaces, schools, families and social circles. You probably won’t see a big outreach event at Valour, but you’ll hear stories of how ordinary people leading ordinary lives are sharing Jesus with those that they know.

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