Box Vale Walking Track – Currently Closed

Box Vale Road, Welby


Box Vale Road, Welby

P. 02 4871 2888


The Box Vale Walking track follows the formation of an historic railway line and passes through cuttings, along embankments and through a tunnel 84 metres in length.

There are 3 Tracks:

  • Track 1 – Main Box Vale Track
  • Track 2 – Forty Foot Falls (parts are very steep)
  • Track 3 – Box Vale Fire Trail

Track 1 – Main Box Vale Track

The track follows the formation of an historic railway line and passes through cuttings, along embankments and through a tunnel 84 metres in length and ends at the Nattai Gorge Lookout where you can enjoy the views over the remote wilderness area.

It is important to follow the signs to the “Lookout” after the tunnel and not descend the Box Vale Incline as this track is extremely dangerous and should NOT be used.

Although much of the surrounding terrain is steep and rocky, the 4.4 km walking track has easy grades and the return walk takes approx. 3 hours.

Track 2 – Forty Foot Falls (parts are very steep)

This track passes through pleasant bushland to Forty Foot Falls. The initial 1.5km is along a fire trail of easy grade and the return walk takes about one hour.

However, the Falls cannot be seen from the end of the fire trail and a very steep track (dropping 100 metres in elevation) leads to a vantage point below the Falls. This section would be quite difficult for a person not accustomed to negotiating such tracks and involves stairs, ladders and some scrambling.

Track 3 – Box Vale Fire Trail

This track offers an alternative option from the Main Track (Track 1). It gives walkers the opportunity to make a loop out of the last portion of the walk. This Fire Trail option is often a drier trail since the cuttings on the Main Track can be quite wet under foot after rain. This option is an easy grade.

Other Details

There are picnic tables located at the beginning of the track car park.

The track head is located about 250 metres off the Hume Highway. The turn off is located 3.7 km west of Mittagong and 0.8 km east of the Wombeyan Caves Road.

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